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A new Avatar has been chosen -- Kaleea -- 12:04 AM, September 16
New and improved, private and public rooms -- Maron -- 7:55 PM, August 29

    Monday, September 16, 2024

A new Avatar has been chosen
Posted by: Kaleea -- 12:04 AM EST

The Chongun have come together with their newest Avatar Lyones.

On September 8th, 2024 Avatar Ferro has stepped down and passed the reigns to Lyones, the newest Avatar of Chongun.

As the newest Elder of the Chonguns, how do you plan to honor the legacy of your predecessor while putting your own unique stamp on it?
I believe we each have our unique styles of leadership that brings different colors to an organization. Those colors strengthen us. I plan to honor our predecessors by continuing to uphold our founding principles and growing in our mission and values. We are all unique and as an organization, we want to make individuals shine while we pursue our common goals. My goal is to align our path forward to the needs and wants of our members and the communities we serve by expanding our offerings and involvement in the community.

Can you share a bit about your journey to becoming the Avatar and what motivated you to take on this role?
From my early days of training with LotusEmber, I associated to the core values being taught. Virtues being a guiding light in my every day. I want to continue this journey of honoring those positive influences to become the best versions of myself. This helps me to better serve our communities and be the beacon of light the Chonguns are meant to be.

What is your vision for the future of Chonguns and are there any key changes you hope to implement?
I stand strong by the teachings I learned from my predecessors. I have made it my mission to instill these teachings to others through the Art of War, our member training and community offerings. I will ensure we continue to expand our offerings to be relevant to the times we are in.

What person values do you hold dear that you believe will guide your decisions as Avatar?
The Chongun values: Kindness, Tolerance, Honesty, Generosity, Fairness, Loyalty, Humility, and Honor, have been my guiding light. Self respect and respect for others is very important in my day to day.

How do you hope to embody those values in your leadership?
I am a firm believer that we must all be an example of what we want to see in others. Leading by example is something I hold close to my heart. I learn something new most every day and hope to be a source of that kindness for others.

What legacy do you hope to leave behind your time as Avatar?
Legacy has a different meaning for everyone. What I seek is to be of service whether in the capacity of Avatar or otherwise. If I can provide just one person with a bit more hope and knowledge every so often then my service to others will have been worth it. What lives on is how we made a difference in people's lives and how we made them feel.

What message would you like to convey to the Chonguns and the community?
Hold true to your core self and your values. Keep learning and growing. Be of service to others when you can. That is one of the best gifts you can give yourself and others. When I grow, I grow for those around me. Remember that what unites us will always be more powerful than what divides us. Together we are stronger!

The NexusAtlas staff would like to apologize for being so late in delivering this news to you. Be sure to take a moment to congratulate Lyones when you see her.

<> Druid Sage Kaleea <>

    Thursday, August 29, 2024

New and improved, private and public rooms
Posted by: Maron -- 7:55 PM EST
Hey folks!

The Kingdom of the Winds received some small unannounced updates this morning after the regular daily reset.

The first one that was noticed by a small group of people was a long-awaited update to the Eternal Order of Nagnang rooms. This was a good update but that mostly affects scholars who serve the EON. See a sneak peek below:

The main unannounced change, however, happened at the Tangun Game Room. It was expanded so it can fit multiple events more comfortably and extend the tradition initiated by the Covenant clan in February this year of hosting monthly Mini Carnival games in Tangun as a combined effort where clans, ministries, and subpaths come together to host events simultaneously.

The Game Room is located inside the Theater (X065 Y137) in Tangun. The fastest way to reach there is to take the shortcut behind the big green pot next to the Quiet Room. Once inside the Theater take the first door on the right.

See below the difference between the old and the new Game Room of Tangun:


This reporter was particularly fond of the bear fur and fishing motif in this area! (Click to expand image below)

The next monthly Tangun Mini Carnival will be held tomorrow (8/30) starting at 9 pm EST and will have around 15 organizations co-hosting mini games in a joint initiative by Ministries, Clans, and Subpaths, similar to how Festivals work. You can find more information about this in the Community Events board.

If you are looking for new excitement this weekend, be sure to stop by and enjoy games like Dodgeball, Trivia, Blades of Glory, Rhyming Wars, and many others. And if you are a member of EON be sure to stop by your new office when you can.
Currently these are the only changes implemented today that Nexus Atlas is aware of. If you find anything else new, please inform me or any other member of our Staff.

Much obliged to Kaleea and Vini for establishing this news article.

- 'Mark' Maron reporting

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