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Kingdom of residence: Koguryo

Short Description:
The Tiger Clan is a simple clan, with simple dreams. They wish to live happy lives, and help make their surroundings a better place. We are fearless in combat and loyal to the kingdom of Koguryo. They come with some small traditions, and great knowledge, only trying to find a place to call home.

Tiger Members List

Clan helmet:

Clan Emblem:

Current Primogen: xBoneZx

Clan History

Year of origin: 68th

Founded by: FireTiger

Clan Lore:
The Tiger clan is an ancient tribal family, originated hundreds of years ago. They were brought together by a single man named Tiger. With his selfless acts, honor, and pride for his family, he has turned into a god after he lived his mortal life on earth. The Tiger Clan worship him as in their eyes, he believed in peace until acts of war and wanted only the strongest to survive, and if there were a weak link along the line, he would train them to become strong. No one would to be left out without a chance.

Tiger did not fear death, as it was only a part of life. He took chances, and with them he made sure he would not fail for his family. He would never let his people down, he believed that nothing was to be done for himself, but only for his kin. He watched them, and made sure they lived the best life they could. Holding nothing back, he gave everything to his family. He would kill only if he had to. After long efforts, the mighty man had mastered the arts and was ashamed of his skill, yet he still taught his family his ways, prepared them for war. If there were a threat to his family, he would not think twice, he would risk his life for another within the blink of an eye. He was a helpful man, even if someone needed help that was not his kin; he would still do what he could. But his family always came first. He devoted himself entirely to them.

A man never to be forgotten. Tiger Clan follow his ways, and continue to carry on his beliefs.

Clan Garden

Location: Kugnae - 179 013

Return to: Tiger Entrance

Information and Links
Curiosities about the clan: